Bushy Hill Day Camp logoAccredited Member

Bushy Hill Day Camp

Bushy Hill Day Camp has been a leader in educating and engaging children with nature for over 30 years. We have experienced, professional, certified staff of all ages, including day camp alumni, teachers and environmental science experts. Children get out of the house and into their outside world while participating in team building and adventurous activities. We have over 700 acres of beautiful land with a vast amount of varying habitats including woodlands, pine groves and wetlands all surrounding a mile-long, spring-fed lake that the campers enjoy for swimming, boating, fishing and other fun and safe water activities.


Name For Type Age/Grade Transportation* Cost
Bushy Hill Day Camp Coed Day yes
Bushy Hill Seedlings Pre-K Camp Coed Day no
Bushy Mountain Teen Camp Coed Day yes
Scout Wilderness Camp for Teens Coed Day yes
Bushy Hill CIT Teen Program Coed Day no

* Call the camp for additional details