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Camp Horseshoe - Camp Horseshoe

Camp Horseshoe is everything a boy could ever want out of summer AND so much more! Our dynamic program offers premier athletics, awesome outdoor adventure, exceptional water sports and extraordinary tripping programs. Add that to our never ending line-up of innovative activities, creative evening programs, and unique special events, and you've got a summer camp experience beyond imagination! And it's all run at an unsurpassed level of excellence by Owner/Directors Jordan and Fran Shiner and the incomparable Horseshoe staff. But these incredible activities are only the beginning. Our campers call the Horseshoe experience "amazing" "indescribable" and "the best place on earth." We call it "The Heart of Horseshoe," our philosophy of creating maximum fun and endless variety while promoting positive values and growth through meaningful accomplishment.

Upcoming Sessions

Name Start End Duration Age/Grade Cost*

*Some Camps may offer discounts (Early Bird, Member, Sibling, etc.). To find out if any discounts are available, please contact the Camp directly.

# A pound symbol in the table above indicates that the session doesn’t include weekends.

Name Start End Duration Age/Grade Cost*

*Some Camps may offer discounts (Early Bird, Member, Sibling, etc.). To find out if any discounts are available, please contact the Camp directly.

# A pound symbol in the table above indicates that the session doesn’t include weekends.


  • Acting
  • Archery
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Backpacking
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Bike Touring
  • Camping Skills/Outdoor Living
  • Canoeing
  • Fencing
  • Fishing
  • Football
  • GaGa
  • Golf
  • Hiking
  • Kayaking
  • Lacrosse
  • "Leave No Trace" Skills
  • Mountain Biking
  • Nature Exposure
  • Orienteering
  • Radio
  • Riflery
  • Roller Hockey
  • Rollerblading/Roller Skating
  • Ropes Course
  • Rugby
  • Sailing
  • Soccer
  • Softball