The Road Less Traveled logoAccredited Member

The Road Less Traveled - Mexico - Inmersion Buceo

This middle school diving adventure is not one to be missed! Getting PADI certified as a junior or open water diver will open up a whole new world of underwater adventures. Expert instructors will teach you how to dive safely in the clear warm waters of the Mexican Caribbean. PADI Scuba: PADI Junior Open Water Diver course certified Diving: See the world’s largest fish as we dive in search of whale sharks Swim and Snorkel: Isla Mujeres and Puerto Morelos offer easy and beautiful snorkeling opportunities while snorkeling in Cenotes is an incredibly unique experience in itself, like snorkeling in a fairytale Scientific Skills: Learn marine and terrestrial-monitoring techniques and species identification Explore: UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New 7 Wonders of the World, Chichén Itza Mayan ruins

Upcoming Sessions

Name Start End Duration Age/Grade Cost*

*Some Camps may offer discounts (Early Bird, Member, Sibling, etc.). To find out if any discounts are available, please contact the Camp directly.

# A pound symbol in the table above indicates that the session doesn’t include weekends.

Name Start End Duration Age/Grade Cost*

*Some Camps may offer discounts (Early Bird, Member, Sibling, etc.). To find out if any discounts are available, please contact the Camp directly.

# A pound symbol in the table above indicates that the session doesn’t include weekends.


  • Aquatic Ecology/Study
  • College Prep
  • Conservation
  • Culinary/Cooking
  • Day Trips
  • Diving
  • Leadership Development
  • "Leave No Trace" Skills
  • Marine Science
  • Orienteering
  • Photography
  • Service Learning/Community Service
  • Snorkeling