Oh my! We’re up to our elbows in elephant toothpaste! What’s that? Well, it’s a big explosive mess! Girls will get to do all of the awesome experiments, engineering and tinkering that they don’t get to do at home at the best STEM camp ever! Campers will be inventing all kinds of crazy projects at Ehawee’s G.I.R.L. Makerspace. We’re talking building with giant LEGOs and life-size Lincoln Logs, creating skyscraper s’mores, and the time, space and creativity to imagine all the fun things to do with marshmallow bricks and pasta pylons! When she’s finished creating, it’s time to BREAK it down or BLOW it up! Then investigate what makes it tick and start again. She’ll have so much fun making and unmaking she might never want to leave... or she’ll head home with engineering dreams dancing in her head. What will she make (and break) next?