It’s not just Hermione, Ron, and Harry who get to help Hagrid care for “magical"? beasts, so will Badgerland Girl Scouts when they come to Ehawee this week and dive into the wizarding world with an emphasis on local “magical"? critters. Girls will adventure around camp on an exciting Horcrux hunt and also go searching for fairies and pixies. Spoiler Alert: Bowtruckles are out there and girls will bring one home! Brownies and Juniors will discover their Patronus. Girls lucky enough to attend our Hogwarts camp in June will enjoy all-new activities this week and revisit the favorites like playing Quidditch and wandmaking. Girls will be sorted into their Ilvermorny (American Magic School) house and compete for the House Cup. Who will take it home this year – Thunderbird, Pukwudgie, Wampus or Horned Serpent?