Unicorn slime. Glow-in-the-dark chalk. Sticky Twister. Paint wars. What could be more fun? Your camper will never be told to hold back because it’s too messy. Instead, she’ll be encouraged to make everything gloppier, gooier and more spectacular because at this camp bigger is better, and she can do all the crazy stuff you don’t want her to do at home because it’s too messy! We’ll be using every art supply we can find, plus making up a few new ones, to ensure this is a camp to remember. How about sponges soaked with paint? Or ever heard of the famous Color Run? Our version will have girls getting color-blotched during a run around the games field and end with a colorful slip and slide! They’ll stain white clothes every color of the rainbow, and may even invent some new ones during their innovative goopy, drippy and messy week at camp.