Camp Ehawee logoAccredited Member

Camp Ehawee - Hogwarts: An Intro to Magic

It's not every day Girl Scout Muggles get to practice magic. Send her off to Ehawee this week when it transforms into the finest camp of Harry Potter-style witchcraft and wizardry. Upon arrival, girls will be sorted into their Hogwarts house and make their own robes while getting to know sister members of their exclusive house. Girls will explore the same subjects that Hermione studied at Hogwarts including astronomy, potions and charms. They'll even learn some handy spells. With customized wands and Marauder’s Map in hand, campers will head into the “Forbidden Forest? for a nature-focused scavenger hunt – all while competing for the coveted Ehawee House Cup!

Upcoming Sessions

Name Start End Duration Age/Grade Cost*

*Some Camps may offer discounts (Early Bird, Member, Sibling, etc.). To find out if any discounts are available, please contact the Camp directly.

# A pound symbol in the table above indicates that the session doesn’t include weekends.

Name Start End Duration Age/Grade Cost*

*Some Camps may offer discounts (Early Bird, Member, Sibling, etc.). To find out if any discounts are available, please contact the Camp directly.

# A pound symbol in the table above indicates that the session doesn’t include weekends.


  • Camping Skills/Outdoor Living
  • Canoeing
  • Nature Exposure
  • Swimming
  • Wildlife Ecology
  • Zoology (Animals)