Westtown School - Swim School
About the Program
Westtown’s Swim School provides kids age 3 and up the chance to work with great coaches to become the best swimmers they can be in a dynamic, fun and safe program.
Overview of Lessons
Westtown Aquatic Program’s Swim School is a learn-to-swim program that teaches an advanced progression of swimming in a two-week period. The beginning swimmer is initially taught the self-rescue survival float which will allow them to remain calm and confident in a distressful situation. Once swimmers are able to achieve the self-rescue float, they are promoted to the next level and taught the basics of the front crawl (freestyle). Lessons will consist of 45-minutes of in-the-pool time.
Skill Levels :
To achieve a consistent progression we believe a fluid transition from group to group will assistant in maximizing swimmer engagement. Students will be tested on the first day of class and placed accordingly. Instructors or a deck manager will monitor your student’s progress and place them in the appropriate group.