Elks Camp Barrett - Elks Camp Barrett Summer Camp
Elks Camp Barrett is a traditional summer camp for children ages 9 to 13. Camper-ships (financial help) are available for needy and deserving campers.
Each session is one week long with separate weeks for boys and girls. Campers sleep in group camping cabins with air-conditioning. The purpose of Camp Barrett's Camping program is to provide experiences for the camper such as: Group Living in outdoor surroundings, recreational oriented activities that emphasize physical, mental, social and emotional growth.
Opportunities for character development. Self worth development. Self Improvement by working with and helping others. The goals of the program are to:
develop campers appreciation and knowledge of themselves and peers develop leadership through creative adventure and activities. Provide leadership that will be an example of the principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity.
The registration form is only available from the lodge representatives. Please see our webpage for more information - elkscampbarrett.org. Various and changing activities include archery, swimming, sports, outdoor education, camp fire, marksmanship, Zip-line, hiking, native studies, climbing, drama, computer building, robotics, orienteering, cooking, crafts, history, metal-detecting and many more.