Christikon logoAccredited Member


Discover life at the top of the world: with residential and back-country opportunities in Montana's mountains just north of Yellowstone Park, Christikon offers church camping experience for youth ages 10-18, for families and adults, for developmentally disabled adults, and for at-risk kids. It is the mission of Christikon to awaken and nurture faith in Christ -- exploring God's creation and the adventure of life together.


Name For Type Age/Grade Transportation* Cost
Residential 1-Week Youth Camping Coed Overnight
Backpacking forSr. High Youth Coed Overnight
Backpacking for Jr. High Youth Coed Overnight
Family/Adult Camping Coed Family or Adult no
CreationCare Coed Overnight
  • CreationCare
  • For: Coed
  • Type: Overnight
  • Age/Grade:
  • Transportation:
  • Cost:

* Call the camp for additional details