Shetek Lutheran Ministries logoAccredited Member

Shetek Lutheran Ministries

Located on Keeley Island, Shetek Lutheran MInistries has offered Christian community and Gospel centered programs for over 75 years.


Name For Type Age/Grade Transportation* Cost
Cross-Generational Camps Coed Family or Adult no
2nd-4th Grade Programs Coed Overnight
4th-6th Grade Coed Overnight
5th-8th Grade Specialty Camps Coed Overnight
7th-9th Grade Camps Coed Overnight
10th-12th Grade Camps Coed Overnight
Offsite Opportunities Coed Overnight
5th-8th Grade Specialty Camps Coed Overnight
Peer Ministry Coed Overnight
Agape (volunteer) Coed Overnight
S.O.S. (Sharing our Services) Coed Overnight

* Call the camp for additional details