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Camp Belzer

Located just outside Interstate 465 in Indianapolis, Camp Belzer offers a wide range of experiences for children interested in Scouting and adventure. Whether you’re seeking adventure or educational programming, Camp Belzer has something to offer. We offer year-round opportunities for young Scouts, including everything from team building to rock climbing and archery. Camp Belzer provides a safe setting where kids can let their imaginations come to life. We’re proud to offer a place where kids can experience adventure in a safe and stimulating environment.


Name For Type Age/Grade Transportation* Cost
Discovery Day Camp Coed Day 5 - 10 years
1st - 5th
no $365 - $365
Cub Scout Day Camp Coed Day 5 - 10 years
1st - 5th
no $275 - $275
Lange Innovation Center -- Day Pass Coed Day no $20 - $20
  • Discovery Day Camp
  • For: Coed
  • Type: Day
  • Age/Grade: 5 - 10 years
    1st - 5th
  • Transportation: no
  • Cost: $365 - $365
  • Cub Scout Day Camp
  • For: Coed
  • Type: Day
  • Age/Grade: 5 - 10 years
    1st - 5th
  • Transportation: no
  • Cost: $275 - $275

* Call the camp for additional details