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Camp Poyntelle

Camp Poyntelle Lewis Village has been enriching the lives of campers as a premier Jewish residential summer camp for over 65 years. With strong traditions, a beautiful facility and dedicated staff, we offer campers the opportunity to learn and grow in a nurturing and compassionate environment. We offer a wide variety of activities, all designed to build confidence and help children feel good about themselves. From our beautiful 70 acre lake to athletics, arts and crafts, music and Outdoor Adventure, our programs are specifically designed to be engaging, fun and impactful. CPLV’s most unique feature is our overall structure. Split into two main campuses by our one of a kind waterfront, our 2nd-7th graders spend their summers at Poyntelle, while our 8th-11th graders have a separate campus at Lewis Village. With a wonderful array of activities, along with an embedded Jewish culture that is part of our daily lives, CPLV is truly is a unique and special place for generations of campers and families. We look forward to welcoming you into our community!


Name For Type Age/Grade Transportation* Cost
Overnight Camp Coed Overnight

* Call the camp for additional details