Camp Kirby logoAccredited Member

Camp Kirby

Why a Camp Fire Camp? Camp Fire has always recognized curious youth exploring their world need a secure place to grow up. And since 1910 we’ve provided that place, through in-and-out of school programs and …camps. Camp Fire believes when youth get the chance to be outdoors, to work with others in community, and learn to respect nature they better respect themselves. We’re proud of the role we have played—and continue to play—in guiding young lives to an appreciation of their own lives and the world we all live in.


Name For Type Age/Grade Transportation* Cost
Day Camp Coed Day no
Overnight Camp Coed Overnight
  • Day Camp
  • For: Coed
  • Type: Day
  • Age/Grade:
  • Transportation: no
  • Cost:

* Call the camp for additional details