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Prairie Star Ranch - Emmaus Eucharistic Amazement

This school-day retreat will help your 1st-3rd grade students to understand how Jesus, in the Eucharist, fulfills the deepest hungers of their hearts. Help them to experience the joy of Eucharistic Amazement at a young age. Contact our team today to get more information and schedule your youth’s Emmaus Retreat. The Lord accompanies us in many ways, but none as profound as when we encounter him in the Eucharist. Designed for 1st-3rd grade students, the Emmaus Retreat guides students toward a deeper love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, who came to nourish and transform us, to restore our relationship to God and to one another. The features of each retreat vary to meet the needs and number of participants. Our Retreat Team can custom tailor the Emmaus Retreat to fit your needs – meeting your young people where they are. Contacts us soon, dates are filling up fast!

Upcoming Sessions

Name Start End Duration Age/Grade Cost*

*Some Camps may offer discounts (Early Bird, Member, Sibling, etc.). To find out if any discounts are available, please contact the Camp directly.

# A pound symbol in the table above indicates that the session doesn’t include weekends.

Name Start End Duration Age/Grade Cost*

*Some Camps may offer discounts (Early Bird, Member, Sibling, etc.). To find out if any discounts are available, please contact the Camp directly.

# A pound symbol in the table above indicates that the session doesn’t include weekends.


  • Hiking
  • Religious Study