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Generation Code - Web Development Immersive

There are over a billion websites on the Internet, yet only a handful are widely visited. So what makes these few, like Google and YouTube, so popular? The simple answers are usability, utility, and engagement. In our Web Development Immersive, students learn how to think like web developers and design sites around these important concepts. At the end of the 3 weeks, your child will have covered Levels 3 and 4 of our engaging curriculum. We begin by teaching HTML and CSS, so students can start building their websites right away. Students move on to learning best design practices and how to develop a site that meets the demands of a variety of users, and then they learn the basics of JavaScript. By the end of the course, students will create their own unique mobile-responsive sites and web applications using advanced HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With their newfound programming skills, students will be ready to move on to more complex languages like Java and Android!

Upcoming Sessions

Name Start End Duration Age/Grade Cost*

*Some Camps may offer discounts (Early Bird, Member, Sibling, etc.). To find out if any discounts are available, please contact the Camp directly.

# A pound symbol in the table above indicates that the session doesn’t include weekends.

Name Start End Duration Age/Grade Cost*

*Some Camps may offer discounts (Early Bird, Member, Sibling, etc.). To find out if any discounts are available, please contact the Camp directly.

# A pound symbol in the table above indicates that the session doesn’t include weekends.