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Swift Nature Camp

Swift Nature Camp is a Children's Summer Camp for boys and girls ages 6-15. Our focus is to blend traditional summer camp activities while increasing a child's appreciation for nature, science and the environment. We specialize in Overnight Summer Camp for the First TIme Camper. Our Discovery Camp is a shorter session that is only for children who are a little reluctant to go to camp. Our reduced size and increased staff ratio helps children become comfortable while at camp. See our website: www.swiftnaturecamp.com


Name For Type Age/Grade Transportation* Cost
First Timer Camp - 12 Days Coed Overnight
Explorer Camp - 3 week Coed Overnight
Advture Camp - 6 week Coed Overnight
Teen Leadership - 6 week Coed Overnight
Pathfinder Camp-2 Weeks Coed Overnight

* Call the camp for additional details