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Seeds of Peace Camp

Seeds of Peace is dedicated to empowering young leaders from regions of conflict with the leadership skills required to advance reconciliation and coexistence. Set on a quiet lake in the woods of Maine, the Seeds of Peace International Camp provides a neutral, supportive setting for hundreds of young leaders from regions in conflict to meet their “enemy” face-to-face. Here, they confront their prejudices and deep-seated fears and tackle the issues that fuel the violence, hatred and oppression at home.


Name For Type Age/Grade Transportation* Cost
Summer 2012 Coed Overnight
Summer 2013 Coed Overnight
Seeds of Peace Camp Summer 2022 Coed Overnight
  • Summer 2012
  • For: Coed
  • Type: Overnight
  • Age/Grade:
  • Transportation:
  • Cost:
  • Summer 2013
  • For: Coed
  • Type: Overnight
  • Age/Grade:
  • Transportation:
  • Cost:

* Call the camp for additional details