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Wyonegonic Camps

Wyonegonic offers a non-competitive atmosphere which allows campers to build confidence. Emphasis is on personal development and group cooperation. Program is individualized for each camper based on their goals and interests. Campers choose from traditional activities such as tennis, sailing, horseback riding, ecology, target sports and creative arts. Particular focus is on waterfront activities and outdoor living skills. Canoe and Hiking trips for all ages from 1-6 days in length in Maine and New Hampshire. Leadership Training for age 16-17. Typical clientele represents 30 states and foreign countries. Wyonegonic and Winona are the oldest Brother/Sister camps in the country.


Name For Type Age/Grade Transportation* Cost
Summer Residential Camp Only Girls Overnight
Family Camp Coed Family or Adult no
  • Family Camp
  • For: Coed
  • Type: Family or Adult
  • Age/Grade:
  • Transportation: no
  • Cost:

* Call the camp for additional details